If my great grandparents and my grandfather had not immigrated to Canada, I would be a teenager in a minuscule fishing town in the north of England. My grandpa, Dennis Hall, immigrated from Newbiggin by the sea, England; along with his parents John and Isabel Hall. My great grandfather, John G. Hall, moved from England in 1927, on the ocean liner Caronia (Library and Archives Canada), 1 year prior to his wife and son’s immigration, in order for him to find a steady job. My grandpa Dennis, who was 1 and a bit years old at the time, and a 28 year old Isabel immigrated in 1928, arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia; on the Athenia liner on April 9th (Library and Archives Canada). Later on, in World War II, the Athenia was converted into a troopship, and was the first ship sunk by the opposing German forces (Sinking of SS Athenia). Isabel and John both grew up and met in the small village located in the South East Northumberland (Hall) .Newbiggin by the sea is a fishing port in which traditional coble boats are used, but was once known for its coal mining and a port used for shipping grain (Wikipedia). After World War I, the British economy was still in a depression, with unemployment rising past 8% in 1926, all the way up to 15% in 1932 (Pettinger). These factors, along with the desire to leave a country heavily impacted by the first World War were the push factors for John and Isabel to relocate their new family.
Marriage certificate between my Grandmother and Dennis (Fales) |
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Immigration record (Library and Archives Canada) |
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Immigration record (Library and Archives Canada) |
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Immigration record (Library and Archives Canada) |
(Hall, Dennis)
In conclusion I am grateful my ancestors immigrated to Canada as I am proud of their success and with who I have become as a result of my life in a privileged country like Canada.
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John G. Hall death certificate (Provincial Archives of New Brunswick) |
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Isabel Hall death certificate (Provincial Archives of New Brunswick) |
Works Cited
“Fales, Edith Alice.” 18 June 1949. Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS141). Index to New Brunswick Marriages. Web. 30 May 2016. <http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/VISSE/141B7.aspx?culture=en-CA&guid=1DD56103-9CB9-4543-9C4E-54060FBFF394>.
Hall, Dennis. Dennis and His Friend. N.d. Photograph. Dennis Hall.
- - -. Personal interview. 15 May 2016.
“Hall, Isabel.” N.d. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. New Brunswick Cemeteries. Web. 30 May 2016. <http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/Cemeteries/Details.aspx?culture=en-CA&Key=71918>.
“Hall, John. G.” N.d. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. New Brunswick Cemeteries. Web. 30 May 2016. <http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/Cemeteries/Details.aspx?culture=en-CA&Key=71955>.
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