Tuesday, 5 April 2016

My Defining Moment

Hello and welcome to what I believe to be my defining moment. Which is of course entry to the prestigious institute that is Orangeville District Secondary School. For this is the place that decides, if not in the entirety, at least in a large part the future of those scholars enrolled within it’s sacred walls. That is to say the courses taken reflect and define the individual’s interests and future career. An example of this is the fact that I have taken many tech courses, which reflect my interest in the subject and leads to the probable conclusion that I will take up a skilled trade. In the same way one meets any amount of companions in a place such as this, which again define and shape your personality and life, through their personality and life. Reflecting on these points you can see that it is evident that this is mine and most likely many others defining moment.


  1. Your personality really shines through this blog post! Humorous yet insightful, it gives the readers a good idea into your inner thoughts. How do you think tech has specifically impacted your high school life?

  2. I really liked your use of flamboyant vocabulary. It really tells a me a lot about your personality. I also liked how you hold this school to such importance and how you noted how it can define everything you do later in life. What do you think has more of an impact on your future: High School or College?

  3. I really liked your use of flamboyant vocabulary. It really tells a me a lot about your personality. I also liked how you hold this school to such importance and how you noted how it can define everything you do later in life. What do you think has more of an impact on your future: High School or College?

  4. I really enjoy how you wrap such insightful and deep thoughts in humor. You were really able to comically present how you feel about the school, and reveal what makes you how you are.

  5. High school can have a great impact on people, and fortunately for you, it appears to be positive. I'm glad that you have found a possible career path in tech/the trades. Similar to you, I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher, but it wasn't until high school that I decided I specifically wanted to teach English and history.
